We Are Celebrating the Dedication and Impact of Our PUSD Family! Pomona Unified School District's Human Resources Service Award Ceremony Highlights: Join us in honoring the invaluable contributions of our team members and the difference they make in our community!
GATE Parent Presentation Parenting Gifted Students in the 21st CenturyJoin us - 2 sessions will be available
Read Across America Reading Guests at Westmont We appreciate your visit to Westmont as guest readers parents, Pomona PD, Board members, Superintendent Knowles, PUSD family and Westmont family. You made our day!
Read Across America Fun at Westmont Westmont enjoyed the theme #create&celebrateanationofdiversereaders @Pomonaunified with fun activities and engaging guest readers! #reading @2katshoPUSD @PomonaPD @dr_ambriz_pusd
Pomona Unified Families, download the ParentSquare app now to help your child stay on track for success!